The Kisakallio App is a coaching platform for Kisakallio mentors, coaches and their clients.
Aki-matti Alanen, leading specialist at Kisakallio, says that the application brings extra value and new possibilities for their domestic and international customers.
– Kisakallio Sport Institute has a long history in health, sport and education and we want to develop our services all the time. We have been collaborating with Coach4Pro for several years now and the next step was to use their expertise to create an application for our clients.
– Digitalisation is the topic right now and we want to be able to serve our customers also when they are not physically in our location. The application helps our coaches and mentors to be in touch with their clients 24/7 and gives freedom to both parties.
Leading specialist Alanen says that the app helps to create new services based on their clients needs and that it makes it easy to communicate and share their expertise.
Mikko Koskela, CEO at Coach4Pro, is delighted about the collaboration with Kisakallio.
– We are happy to provide digital solutions for Kisakallio to use in their work towards making people healthier and happier. Depending on the situation, we are able to deliver tailor-made solutions very quickly. Our powerful platform and development team allows us to finish new projects within a few weeks from order, CEO Mikko Koskela states.