Friends-feature released on Coach4Pro
Friends-feature released on Coach4Pro
The latest software update provides a new home view and brings us Friends-feature.
The home view
We have improved the logic and look of home view. The user interface, both in mobile and computer, is now much clearer. Together with the new information buttons explaining all the main functions, home view is now easier than ever to use. As a coach, your clients will now have access to practically everything they need from the home view.
Now you can connect with your friends on Coach4Pro.
Friends enables creation of connections between people, regardless whether they are in the same team or in the same service in Coach4Pro. The Friends function makes it easier to build social networks, and makes the coach-client relationship more straightforward.
“This release is based on the feedback we get from coaches using the platform. Since we want to be the best online platform for health care experts, wellness coaches and personal trainers, we continue to challenge ourselves constantly. The feedback is essential for us to improve the platform.“
– Mikko Koskela, CEO.
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