Friends-feature released on Coach4Pro

Friends-feature released on Coach4Pro

Friends-feature released on Coach4Pro


The latest software update provides a new home view and brings us Friends-feature.

The home view

We have improved the logic and look of home view. The user interface, both in mobile and computer, is now much clearer. Together with the new information buttons explaining all the main functions, home view is now easier than ever to use. As a coach, your clients will now have access to practically everything they need from the home view.


Now you can connect with your friends on Coach4Pro.
Friends enables creation of connections between people, regardless whether they are in the same team or in the same service in Coach4Pro. The Friends function makes it easier to build social networks, and makes the coach-client relationship more straightforward.

“This release is based on the feedback we get from coaches using the platform. Since we want to be the best online platform for health care experts, wellness coaches and personal trainers, we continue to challenge ourselves constantly. The feedback is essential for us to improve the platform.
– Mikko Koskela, CEO.


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New planner tool released on Coach4Pro

New planner tool released on Coach4Pro


Coach4Pro have created a new, more intuitive way of building plans on the platform.

The new planner tool allows you to create exactly the plan you want, whether it’s a personal training plan or a more generic plan for larger groups of people.

It’s now possible to build up to one year long plans. An important part of the new planner function is how the publishing works. You get to choose when and how often future events are released to the client, how many days that are published at every release and on what time the publishing happens.
This means that you can e.g. create a three month long plan, which automatically releases the next training week every Friday at 8 o’clock.

If you need to change something in your clients’ plan, simply edit the plan in the planner tool, release the update and Voilà! Now all subscribers to the plan have your freshly updated version.

It is also possible to attach a plan to a coaching service, which means that when new clients log in, they will have the plan already activated and inserted into their calendar.


The planner is a part of the improved Coach4Pro platform, which means it can be used by all coaches without any extra cost. You can find the planner tool as an own icon on the left side menu, or if you’re using a smartphone, under the top right options button.

Do you want more information about the planner tool or about Coach4Pro?
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Questionaries released on Coach4Pro

Questionaries released on Coach4Pro


The original thought and reason behind the development of the Coach4Pro platform has always been to provide such a platform that sports and health coaches can use in their daily work, without having to use other softwares at the same time.
(We don’t call it a one-of-a-kind platform without a reason)

That is why Coach4Pro continues to develop the platform entirely based on the wants and needs of the users.

The questionary tool has been available for users to test as a beta version for some time already, but now the public version has been released.

The questionary tool allows you to, you guessed it, create questionaries. These can be used as an attachment in messages or as follow up questions after an event has been completed.

It is also possible to create and save questionary templates to your library and download the results to your computer or smartphone.

The questionary tool can be activated to your service either by purchasing it from the shop or by sending a message to the Coach4Pro Support asking about it.


Do you want more information about the questionary tool or about Coach4Pro?
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Cooperation with Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team

Cooperation with Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team

Cooperation with Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team

Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team have started to use the Coach4Pro platform.

The team started a pilot earlier this year and have now chosen to continue the use as they are getting ready for next year’s European Championships.

During the pilot the athletes reported their trainings and recovery via the mobile app and in return they got support and guidance from the national team’s coaches.

– Coach4Pro has proven to be a successful solution for us. We now have insight in the athletes lives, which helps both them and us coaches, says the head coach Ilkka Palviainen and continues.

– Gathering information about the athlete is best done with the mobile app. It gives an easy and sufficient view about training load and recovery. Thanks to Coach4Pro, we have been able to improve the communication between us and the athlete as well as the clubs they play for. We have for example been able to record the differences in the amount of trainings versus games.

– The team have shown great professionalism and deep understanding about which specific information that’s important to follow. They have tuned the platform to report the most important info they need. This has allowed them to continuously improve their work. It’s great that the national team have chosen us to be a part of their European Championship journey, says Mikko Koskela, CEO of Coach4Pro.

WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus

WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus

WU 16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus

Coach4Pro ja Suomen WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi allekirjoittivat sopimuksen.

Coach4Pro ja WU16 EM 2020 Koripallojoukkue allekirjoittivat valmennusjärjestelmän käyttösopimuksen. WU16 tiimi valmistautuu ensivuoden kesän EM kisoihin. Tiimi aloitti Coach4Pro järjestelmän käytön pilotilla, ja saatujen hyvien kokemusten perusteella, jatkaa järjestelmän käyttöä EM projektin tukena.

Kevään ja kesän aikana toteutetussa pilotissa urheilijat raportoivat harjoitussuoritteista ja lepojaksoista Coach4Pro -mobiilisovelluksen avulla. Samalla he saivat tukea sekä ohjausta nuorten maajoukkueen valmennustiimiltä maantieteellisestä sijainnista riippumatta.  

– Coach4Pro on osoittautunut toimivaksi ratkaisuksi, jolla olemme saaneet näkyvyyden urheilijoiden arkeen ja pystyneet parantamaan toimintaamme, kertoo WU16 -tiimin päävalmentaja Ilkka Palviainen ja jatkaa

 – Älypuhelin on luonnollisin tapa kerätä tietoa urheilijoilta antaen kattavan näkymän valmentajille harjoituksista ja palautumisesta. Coach4Pro avulla olemme pystyneet parantamaan kommunikaatiota sekä urheilijoiden, että seuravalmentajien kanssa, ymmärtämään syy yhteyksiä, ja ylipäätään saaman tarkan kuvan esimerkiksi kehittävän harjoittelun määrän suhteesta peli tunteihin.

– WU16 tiimi on jo pilotissa osoittanut korkeaa valmennuksellista ammattitaitoa ja syvää ymmärrystä siitä mikä on lajille oleellista toimintaa ohjaavaa informaatioita. He ovat määrittäneet järjestelmän keräämään ja raportoimaan koripallovalmennuksen kannalta olennaista informaatiota. Tämä on mahdollistanut syy yhteyksien löytämisen ja toiminnan jatkuvaan parantamiseen. On hienoa, että WU16 tiimi on valinnut Coach4Pro järjestelmän myös EM projektiinsa, sanoo Mikko Koskela, Coach4Pro:n toimitusjohtaja.

Löpcoachen Sverige käyttää Coach4Pro järjestelmää uuden online palvelun alustana

Löpcoachen Sverige käyttää Coach4Pro järjestelmää uuden online plavelun alustana

Coach4Pro ja Löpcoachen Sverige aloittavat yhteistyön

– Haluamme kehittää jatkuvasti parempia palveluita asiakkaillemme ja pyrimme löytämään “outside of the box” ratkaisuja asiakkaan tarpeisiin. Kuultuamme Coach4Pro:sta ja sen tuomista mahdollisuuksista olimme heti kiinnostuneita, kertoo Jörgen Hallberg, Löpcoachen Sverigen omistaja.

– Nykyään ihmisellä on usein puute ajasta. Asiakkaat haluavat tavoittaa valmentajansa milloin tahansa, missä tahansa. Samaan tapaan valmentaja haluaa olla perillä valmennettavien tilanteesta riippumatta asiakkaan sijainnista tai saavutettavuudesta. Coach4Pro tarjoaa ratkaisun tähän ongelmaan. Samalla se mahdollistaa palveluiden ja asiakkaiden hallinnan kaikilla tasoilla, Hallberg jatkaa.

Linus Nynäs, Coach4Pron myyntijohtaja Ruotsissa, on hyvin tyytyväinen tapaan miten Löpcoachen Sverige on hyödyntänyt Coach4Pro järjestelmää palvelukehityksessään.

– Kun he huomasivat mitä mahdollisuuksia Coach4Pro järjestelmä voi tarjota, he ryhtyivät heti toimeen. Palvelu, joka nyt luotiin, on sangen ainutlaatuinen. Usein tämä lähtökohta johtaa menestykseen. Odotan innolla mihin yhteistyömme johtaa, toteaa Nynäs.