The CEO’s summary of 2021

The CEO’s summary of 2021

First of all, I would like to thank all our partners, and our customers and their clients for this past year. We have experienced another year with the COVID-19 pandemic and all its challenges, but in spite of that, we were able to serve our customers and grow.

The City of Vantaa had just finished their health promotion program last October, and I am glad to announce that the results were quite positive. The program, a collaboration with Coach4Pro, shows and confirms that a well-organised lifestyle coaching can improve participants’ quality of life as well as bring significant savings for the city. Taking into account that the health program was carried out during COVID-19 when meetings face-to-face were not possible makes the results even more impressive. This case proves the value of well-designed programs and mentors in a remote coaching setting. Let’s face it, we need human-to-human contact, and remote coaching enables this.

The challenge of not having physical meetings had affected many corporate wellness programs. As the pandemic restrictions prompted limitations on a number of new projects, our coaching platform helped to continue to deliver on-going projects remotely and successfully. Remote coaching became the normal way to work and was warmly welcomed and appreciated by the participants.

From a personal training perspective, year 2021 has shown the true value of online coaching. I am very happy for our customers who were able to continue their high quality coaching, and in most cases were able to grow their businesses.

We have also expanded our ecosystem by collaborating with the Lapland University Of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku. We look forward to building a healthier, sustainable future together with these organisations.

Our development team has once again delivered significant improvements to the platform. The development of our platform, with the new Business Manager-tool at the front, enables our customers to manage their services and clients better than before.

We are eagerly looking forward to year 2022. We’re already working to bring an updated reporting tool, and subsequently provide support for more platform languages. Another highly interesting project scheduled is a new interface for algorithms (AI). These algorithms can provide assistance for instructors and coaches to better serve their clients. On top of these, a number of new minor functions are also planned. Our team is committed to continuously developing a platform that will greatly please our customers and their clients.

Once again, thank you for this year!

Wishing you a successful and exciting new year,

Mikko Koskela
CEO, Coach4Pro
+358 40 060 3209


You can read more about Vantaa health program from our blogs From goals to action – mentors make a difference and How one of the biggest cities in Finland pilots wellbeing coaching as an online service

From goals to action: Mentors make a difference

From goals to action: Mentors make a difference

A Health Promotion Project, started at the spring of 2019, was carried out by the City of Vantaa. 

One important segment of the project is the promotion and development of lifestyle coaching. This coaching program, started at the spring of 2020, is individual coaching with long-term guidance designed to achieve lasting results and learn new habits for better health. 

From the group of project participants, fifty (50) health-risk individuals joined the lifestyle coaching program and successfully completed a full year coaching. Their health issues and concerns were primarily related to high blood pressure, being overweight, increased risk of diabetes, lowered mood, and/or plain lack of exercise.

During a three-hour closing seminar of the Health Promotion Project held 6th of October 2021, program data, important feedback and testimonials from the participants were discussed and presented.

Evidently, the program was deemed successful in several aspects. Majority of the participants have lost weight significantly within the one-year training period (average of 2.5%). Exercise and physical activities also increased by an average of five hours per month, or more than one hour per week. However, the high point of the seminar was the journey and experiences of the participants, and the general awareness and appreciation of the program itself. Based on the participant testimonials, the following points were emphasised:

The role of the mentor

The encouragement, support, and ability of the mentors to understand people’s diverse lifestyle and life situations proved most important to the participants. The clients appreciate the consistent feedback, particularly the individual coaching whenever needed.

When asked what they think “the best thing about the mentoring” was, the participants stated the following:

“ I have every day the possibility to contact a skilled mentor. Keeping in touch with the mentor keeps me motivated.”

“Continuous feedback from the mentor.”

“A mentor can also be challenged, and you don’t have to do everything at once.”

The program itself

All participants were aware that real change starts with themselves, and that change takes time. They appreciate the idea of a long-term program and they fully understand that it is essential when aiming for a lasting change and result. Some comments further describe the sentiments:

“It is a privilege to be involved in this kind of process, especially when it is free.”

“The biggest thing here is that this program has been long enough.”

“There will be set-backs, but life goes on.”

Remote coaching

The participants appreciated face-to face meetings with the instructor, but they also realised that this puts a lot of strain on the instructor and goes to the city’s wallet. A one-time face-to-face meeting with the instructor was offered at the beginning of the program which helped establish trust and create a basis for natural and easy interaction during remote coaching.

Moreover, the participants appreciated the remote coaching’s flexibility — where the given tasks could be performed at their own time. It allows them to choose when and where to do their tasks.

“I can do the tasks whenever I have time, since instructions are available. I don’t need anything else. My motivation has improved, I am very pleased with that.”

The clients emphasised that they could always trust that feedback is given every time and messages are answered promptly — perhaps at times with short delays but always with certainty. Time flexibility was perceived as highly positive, with both the instructor and the client being able to work at their own pace.

Participants’ advice for future clients

There are also advice from the participants for those who are new to the program and for those who wish to participate in the future:

“Come along. But don’t join with the attitude that everything changes at once, it’s one step at a time. If there is this kind of opportunity, learn from and challenge the mentors, take advantage of their support, encouragement and criticism as well. Yes, they will support you in every way possible, if you have courage to give them a chance.”

“The mentoring is done in a positive way. If you haven’t done anything in the app for two weeks, then there won’t be a message saying you should start moving, but instead, only a kind question asking, ‘Is everything OK?’.”

In conclusion

A functional remote coaching platform enables personal lifestyle guidance. It enables constant communication, frees up from time and place, and allows one to progress at their own pace. It streamlines the work of instructors, enabling them to work with and help more clients. Instead of a “self-help” service, it was an active personal service. And that was highly appreciated by all the client interviewees.

For more information:

Mikko Koskela, CEO
+358 40 060 3209

Tavoitteista toimintaan – mentorit sen mahdollistavat

Tavoitteista toimintaan – mentorit sen mahdollistavat

Vantaan kaupungin Terveyden edistämishankkeen kolmituntinen loppuseminaari pidettiin 6.10.2021.
Yhtenä osana hanketta oli elintapaohjauksen kehittäminen. Yksilöllisellä ja pitkäkestoisella ohjauksella pyritään pysyviin tuloksiin ja tapojen muodostamiseen. Asiakkaiden ongelmat liittyivät kohonneeseen verenpaineeseen, ylipainoon, kohonneeseen diabetesriskiin, mielialan laskuun tai vähäiseen liikkumiseen.

Ohjelma oli vaikuttava, valtaosa osallistujista pudotti vuoden aikana painoaan merkittävästi (keskiarvo 2.5%). Liikkuminen kasvoi keskimäärin noin 5 tuntia kuukaudessa eli yli tunnin viikossa.   

Seminaarin timanttina oli neljän ohjelmaan osallistuneen henkilön kokemukset ja tuntemukset ohjelmasta. Osallistujat painottivat puheenvuoroissaan seuraavia asoita:

Ohjaajan rooli 

Ohjaajien kannustusta, tukea ja kykyä lukea ihmisten elämäntilannetta pidettiin ensisijaisen tärkeinä. Ihmiset arvostivat jatkuvaa palautetta, jota odotettiin ja myös saatiin aina kun oli aihetta. 

Alla osallistujien palautteita kun heiltä kysyttiin “Mikä on ollut parasta mentoroinnissa?” 

“Kontakti osaavaan mentoriin, tavoitettavissa päivittäin. Yhteydenpito mentoriin sitouttaa minutkin.”

“Mentorin osalta jatkuva palaute.” 

“Mentoria voi myös haastaa, ei tarvitse tehdä kaikkea aina kerralla.”

Itse ohjelma

Osallistujat olivat sisäistäneet sen, että muutos lähtee itsestä ja että se ottaa aikaa. Ohjelman pitkäkestoisuutta arvostettiin ja ymmärrettiin että tämä on välttämätöntä kun tähdätään pysyvään muutokseen.

“On etuoikeutettua olla mukana tällaisessa prosessissa, varsinkin kun se on ilmainen.”

“ Isoin asia tässä on se, että tämä ohjelma on ollut riittävän pitkä.”

“ Repsahduksia tulee, mutta elämä jatkuu.” 


Osallistujat arvostivat kasvokkain pidettyjä tapaamisia, mutta myös ymmärsivät että tämä kuormittaa ohjaajia aika tavalla ja käy kaupungin kukkarolle. Kun oli tavattu kasvokkain, oli myös luotu luottamus ja pohja luontevaan vuorovaikutukseen etäohjauksen aikana. Ihmiset arvostivat  myös sitä, että annettuja tehtäviä voi suorittaa silloin kun se sopii omaan aikatauluun. Etäohjaus vapautti ajasta ja paikasta.

“Voin tehdä tehtävät silloin kun ne minulle sopii, ohjeet ovat saatavilla. En kaipaa mitään muuta.

Motivaatio on herätetty, siihen olen erittäin tyytyväinen.” 

Osallistujat painottivat että he voivat luottaa siihen että palautetta sai aina ja viesteihin vastattiin täsmällisesti, välillä pienellä viiveellä mutta varmasti. Tällainen “ajansiirto” koettiin positiivisena, sekä ohjaaja että ohjattava voivat työskennellä omaan tahtiin. 

Osallistujien ohjeita uusille asiakkaille

“ Lähtekää mukaan. Älkää lähtekö sillä asenteella että kaikki muuttuu kerralla, naps, vaan se on askel kerrallaan. Jos tällainen mahdollisuus on, ottakaa oppi vastaan, haastakaa mentoreita, hyödyntäkää mentoreita, kannustukset ja kritiikit myös. Kyllä ne tukee teitä kaikin mahdollisin tavoin, jos vaan uskallatte antaa mahdollisuuden .”

“ Mentoroinnissa edetään koko ajan positiivisuuden kautta. Jos vaikka kahteen viikkoon ei ole tehnyt merkintöjä sovellukseen, niin silloinkaan ei tule viestiä että kyllä nyt pitäisi lähteä liikkeelle, vaan tulee nätisti kysymys että mitä sulle kuuluu, onko sulla kaikki hyvin.” 


Toimiva etäohjausalusta mahdollistaa henkilökohtaisen elintapaohjauksen. Se tuo mukanaan jatkuvan yhteydenpidon, vapauttaa ajasta ja paikasta ja sallii etenemisen omaan tahtiin. Se tehostaa ohjaajien työtä mahdollistaen useamman asiakkaan ohjaamisen. Tämä kaikki kuitenkin palveluna, ei itsepalveluna. Tätä kaikki haastatellut pitivät arvossa.

Lisää infoa antaa:

Mikko Koskela, Toimitusjohtaja
+358 40 060 3209

Co-operation with Lapland University Of Applied Sciences

Co-operation with Lapland University Of Applied Sciences

Lapland University of Applied Sciences has taken the Coach4Pro platform into use.
The platform will be used in connection of remote coaching studies. Contract is signed for three years.

Tommi Haapakangas, Senior Lecturer in Sports, Lapland UAS:
“Through the co-operation we have an up-to-date coaching platform. It will be used to enhance learning and how to interact efficiently with customers. Remote coaching skills are a must for coaches in sports and wellness.”

Mikko Koskela, Coach4Pro:
“Based on our experience, we know that using our platform saves the instructors’ time for actual coaching work and improves the customer experience. Remote coaching is part of a professional instructor’s tool box.”


More info:

Mikko Koskela, CEO
+358 40 060 3209

Lapland UAS
Tommi Haapakangas, Senior Lecturer in Sports
+358 40 526 4506

Lapin AMK ja Coach4Pro yhteistyöhön

Lapin AMK ja Coach4Pro yhteistyöhön

Lapin Ammattikorkeakoulu on ottanut Coach4Pro-ohjelmiston käyttöön.

Sopimus on kolmivuotinen ja ohjelmistoa käytetään osana opetusta etävalmennuksen alustana.

Tommi Haapakangas, Liikunnan Lehtori Lapin Ammattikorkeakoulusta:
“Yhteistyön kautta saamme opiskelijoille ajanmukaisen kehittyvän valmennusalustan, joka palvelee niin oppimista kuin myös vuorovaikutteista asiakaskohtaamista. Etäohjauksen hallitseminen kuuluu myös näinä aikoina valmentajan osaamisiin niin urheilussa kuin hyvinvointivalmennuksessa.”

Mikko Koskela, Coach4Pro:
“Saatujen kokemusten perusteella tiedämme, että alustamme käyttö vapauttaa ohjaajien aikaa varsinaiseen ohjaustyöhön ja parantaa asiakaskokemusta. Etäohjaus on osa ammattimaisen ohjaajan työkalupakkia.”


Lisää infoa antaa:

Mikko Koskela, Toimitusjohtaja
+358 40 060 3209

Lapin AMK
Tommi Haapakangas, Liikunnan lehtori
+358 40 526 4506

Business Manager released on Coach4Pro

Business Manager released on Coach4Pro

Business Manager has just been released and is now available on Coach4Pro.

The Business Manager feature presents with new tools to manage your services and customers.

This long awaited tool provides full freedom for coaches to create their own services and launch them, as well as handle customer subscriptions.

The Business Manager allows you to define the content, terms, and prices for your services. Once you have launched a service, you can easily follow important information such as subscriptions and use days.

The Business Manager in its beginning phase will be available for everyone as a Beta-version. You can activate the Business Manager by contacting us.


For more information about Coach4Pro and our services please contact us.