Coach4Pro is built for impact with the masses. We are here to help transfer your business to the digital channel.
About Us
We are a Finnish Tech Company
We’ve been developing software since 2009.
Experts in Service Consulting
Our software is built for service. We’ll help digitalise your wellness services, and consult on how you can maintain high service standards.
An All-In-One Platform
The Coach4Pro platform is an all-in-one tool for remote coaching and mentoring.
Our Mission
At Coach4Pro, we believe that health and life-long learning are some of the most important factors of a good life. However, in the developed world, we’re seeing a rising life expectancy combined with a rise in chronic conditions and lifestyle diseases. This causes a decline in quality of life for the individual, and significant financial stress to public healthcare systems.
We’re on a mission to build a healthier society. We think that people are interested in their own health, but in need of tailored, helpful guidance from trusted professionals.
We know that there is no single solution to reaching and maintaining good health that works for all of us. Our platform enables healthcare professionals, coaches and trainers to provide tailored advice to large groups of people, guiding them to sustained lifestyle changes. Combined with tools for life-long learning, we can make our healthcare systems more financially sustainable, and our societies healthier and happier.
What We Stand For
Do Things Together
Our experienced team works together with you. We are ready to help your remote-coaching business prosper.
Privacy and Security
Both our customers’ and their clients’ data is secure. We are ensuring security and privacy by our software design and work practices.
Service Quality
We are an advocate of service quality and continuous improvement. PDCA-cycle (plan – do – check – act) is built in to our software and to our work practices.
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“Our team is proudly committed to provide a platform that continues to please our customers and their clients.”
Mikko Koskela – CEO, Coach4Pro